—Bushido is the path of a samurai that has to be held by each of the samurais. One of a highly influential thinker for the samurai, one of them is Yamaga Soko (1622-1685), a well-known figure in the history of Japan since intellect and his thoughts. At first, he saw the abundance of free time which is owned by the samurai at the time of the triumph of the Tokugawa Government. According to Yamaga, even though they are in a situation like this, they have a very important task to do that have made they have a very special status — they are more than capable of being in any military State.
At that time, the samurai gets a wage from his master, but they can't go around just enjoying life as Loranthus and use money from other classes, eat food from farmers and use the goods from the merchants or the artists.
In performing this duty, the other classes any time required in order to run their respective obligations. To that end, the samurai was specifically required to serve his master with the highest fidelity. In General, they are also required to uphold moral principles of wisdom in them respectively. The goal of high idealism includes a life filled with incredible detail, simplicity, self-discipline and readiness to die anytime. This was originally an idealism value that must be respected in Feudal Japan society.
Yamaga responded into the form of a systematic response to the Confucian ethical opposition to the treatment of the samurai carrying out a high task with high fidelity but have a life that deteriorated in the governance of the bakufu (shogunate's reign).
To explain in detail the noble task of the soldiers and his set, he wrote about "the belief of the Samurai" (bukyo). He tells us that the samurai is those that do not work, either as an artist or a trader. But they are leaders as a bookmark the way to meet the moral obligation of loyalty and obedience. So also in the military not only samurai as citizens or ordinary soldiers, but he has a responsibility as the House of scholars and moral guide.
The relationship between the samurai with his master is something that has been fixed and eternal, absolute and cannot be contested. In addition, bukyo Yamaga also makes the concept of "the way of a Samurai" (shido) that describes the customs of the samurai in detail. The second thing is what became known as bushido, the samurai must have two very important things in their lives, that is, the loyalty and obedience of a child (final piety and loyalty).
This time, the relationship between Feudal landlords and their servants (in this case the samurai) is considered like a brother. However, in the time of feudalism was established by Minamoto no Yuritomo, Yurimoto handed over the land as a gift for their devotion and he also changed the nature of this relationship by giving the title of gokenin (literally meaning followers who became a member of the household). The existence of this degree, Yuritomo binding his samurai personally. And in the end become a samurai warrior war that his position as Duke.
In addition, the bushido also developed the "path of a warrior" (The Way of the Warrior). Bushido confirmed about a samurai code of conduct as a soldier of war should be held. The emergence of the samurai themselves in charge of the field of Defense and developed in feudal or in 1192. In the heyday of the Minamoto clan who received the nickname of Seii-Tai-shogun or habitual offender defined as barbarians. This is because at this time the ritual suicide seppuku or referred to by the name "junshi".
In the ethic code of the samurai, the soldiers should not be asking for help on his master. As a samurai, it must provide leadership and protection, but should not think about rewards. The core of both of these relationships is loyalty. A soldier is can not question or denied his master's command, but he had to stick to it regardless of himself, his family and all his joy. A soldier must always succumb and should always remember that he owed over his master's kindness. A soldier must be prepared to die for the sake of his master, or their families, or clans. And this means that the life of a soldier belongs to his master and he could not arrange his life as he wanted, even to defend his reputation. It is like a brave soldier, Sadoki. When he tried to escape from a robber, he did it in a way like a coward. This is because he may not defend his life to satisfy their self-esteem. Thus, it is not to protect or retains his property because he had to protect them just for the sake of serving the Lord.
Even the first code of ethics States that the first duty of a soldier is to die for the sake of his master. This is an answer to a soldier that is forgotten because of the feeling of the day happened to Yoriyoshi, recorded in the Mutsu Waki (narrative of stories gathered from the reports of each of the provinces and the oral report made shortly after the events happen). "We have to give our body to pay the debt. For the sake of our Lord, we will die without regrets".
A soldier should also instill in them the principle that debt they have to their master that cannot be payment unless doing junshi and follow his master died. However, since 1663, it is prohibited to do by law. A soldier could ask for a chance to do something extraordinary that more of his friends, but if he is requested to do so, he would prefer to do the junshi.
This is because it will be a lifesaver, not only for his master but also to all the followers of either weak or strong. And in this way, he'd be a famous and will be remembered as a samurai who continues to glorify the three things, loyalty, confidence, and courage.
Although all aspects of samurai life it is important to understand the totality of the worldliness of a soldier, nothing is more important than knowledge about the beliefs and traditions that surround the important moments of the lives of the soldiers when they release the body. Well, it is done voluntarily or not. The record book is about the end of life of a samurai named Hagakure. This is a book about "the street of a samurai who found in death." Written by Yamamoto Tsunemoto who chose exile after the death of his master.
Hagakure itself is a collection of anecdotes and short proverb that comes from the family of the deceased, Nabeshima family where Yamamoto Tsunemoto served. This book was written in 1716, hundreds of years after the completion of the War Between the States.
The rules contained in or the Hagakure (Hidden Behind Leaves) occurs because of the attitude and behavior of the samurai. Hagakure is calling for the voice of the heart of a samurai and teach how to deal with the death of his master to serve. Death accepted though the death itself are absurd in the eyes of the people. And the book became a favorite book for the samurai Saga-han used as exercise guidelines as a samurai.
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